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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Top 5 reasons you should see The Social Network

1. It's now. The movie takes place in 2003 making the company less than 10 years old. Even if you aren't on Facebook, it's impossible to ignore the impact it has already made on our culture not to mention the half a billion users and 50 billion estimated total value. If you agree with the WSJ, Facebook is cheap at that price and will eventually be as valuable as Google, $200 billion. The company may not reach that value until it goes public, which is possible in next year, but you can bet all eyes will be on it until that happens.
2. It's intelligent. Aaron Sorkin, writer for The West Wing among many other great shows and movies, wrote the screenplay for a smart audience. He demands your attention from the first scene with exhausting dialogue, about what, you really aren't sure. But if you listen and watch, it is worth the effort. Somehow he even makes reading code and emails interesting.
3. It's classic. While the subject may be recent, the concepts of friendship, betrayal and lost love are as old as books. Maybe even older. :) Sorkin tells most of the story in two separate depositions for lawsuits against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, one on the east coast and one on the west coast. One versus two Harvard rowing twins, which are actually two different actors with CGI effects, very cool and another lawsuit from his ex-best friend. The dynamics between friends, brothers and even lawyers is captivating. Sorkin uses Rashida Jones' character, a brand new attorney, just sitting in on the west coast deposition, as the audience's voice. I even caught myself saying a line before she did. Scary good job Mr. Sorkin.
4. It's awesome. Of course that's my biased opinion but the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is probably going to give it best picture although the nominations have yet to be announce as of this post. But many critics already consider it a lock for the oscar win. Which is not hard to believe considering it won best drama at the Golden Globes and the prestigious Critics Choice Award. If all that doesn't mean it's awesome then I don't know what does.
5. It's available on DVD. Since having a child I don't get to see movies in the theater much, but The Social Network is actually one of those movies you should rent in my opinion. That way you can rewind the first scene or anything else that flies over your head. Don't feel bad if a lot of it does. Even Sorkin said a lot of Mark's blog didn't make sense to him, but it's a writer's dream to have that much "real" material to create from. All of Mark's emails are also word for word his writing. Quickly you notice that Mark doesn't talk like most people either and it is nice to go back and enjoy his unique vernacular again and again.

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